Restorative Justice

Dreams from the Monster Factory by Sunny Schwartz

A new book Dreams from the Monster Factory by lawyer Sunny Schwartz with David Boodell has just been published by Simon & Schuster, Inc.  It is a short memoir of Ms. Schwartz’ life and her experience working at the San Francisco jail. Under the leadership of San Francisco sheriff Michael Hennessey, jail’s director Michael Marcum, Lieutenant Becky Benoit, and Ms. Schwartz, who is the jail’s program director, restorative justice becomes part of the rehabilitation program…

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Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence

Our local newspaper the Honolulu Advertiser, which has gotten so ridiculously thin and short of substance it should be really should be called the Honolulu Newsletter, did a week long series, Crossing the Line, on intimate violence.  The series featured the insightful journal writings of a young woman who was murdered by her former boyfriend.  I wrote the letter copied below to the editor that was published January 3, 2009 about using restorative justice for…

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Preventing and Treating Plantar Fasciitis

We benefit by treating our emotional conflict restoratively, and we can also take care of our bodies restoratively.  Here is how I have repaired and been able to prevent one physical harm that many people suffer. Plantar fasciitis may be a problem for you too if you have a sharp heel pain that feels like you’re stepping on a nail, especially first thing in the morning when you take your first step of the day. …

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Restorative Justice

Doctors Need to do More Than Apologize for Mistakes

An op-ed video Physician, Say You’re Sorry by Drs. Tom Delbanco & Sigall K. Bell from Harvard Medical School, published by the New York Times November 25, 2008, illustrates the need for the medical profession in the United States to use restorative practices. Mistakes and errors are a part of life including medical practice.  How these errors are dealt with is critical for healing and preventing any further emotional pain and damage. This insightful video…

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Restorative Justice

Restorative justice not only for shared meetings with victims & offenders

People tend to think that restorative justice can only be accomplished when people who have committed crimes and the people they’ve hurt (offenders and victims) meet together in a shared process.  This is incorrect.  Restorative processes are voluntary and can be applied without ever bringing victims and offenders together.  Many people who have suffered from crime, like a kind woman I am working with right now who was robbed while she was in the hospital,…

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Restorative Justice

Recidivism being evaluated in a Hawai‘i state court restorative justice pilot project

We have begun analysis of recidivism data of a six year old pilot program: Pono Kaulike: A Hawaii Court Provides Restorative Practices for Healing, Walker & Hayashi, Federal Probation Journal, Vol. 71, No. 3, 18-24, 2007. Three different types of restorative justice processes, which were provided with a solution-focused approach, which Insoo Kim Berg, a co-founder of solution-focused brief therapy helped us develop.  The restorative processes were available to people convicted of crimes and to…

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Mahalo to a high school debater who inspired me…

In 1978 I was in my junior year at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa (UH). While college is a normal transition for many Americans, I got there by a frightening twist of fate, which left me seriously injured and almost dead. I was always a terrible student in school. I dropped out when I was 15, had been on my own since I was 14, and was the single parent to a beautiful baby…

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athletics Conflict Management

Peace Building Through Olympic Programs

“Where are you from?” is the question asked most often during the Sport Management Seminar for Women, organized by the International Academy of Sports Science and Technology (aiSTS) based in Lausanne, Switzerland.  My geographical ignorance is apparent when I hear answers like “Lesotho” “Qatar” and “Belize,” and then must ask, “Where’s that?” Lausanne is located on the North Shore of Lake Geneva.  The lake is surrounded by the jagged Alps winding through France, Germany, Italy…

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drug rehabilitation Restorative Justice San Patrignano

San Patrignano: A Model Restorative Community for People with Addiction Problems

On September 11, 2008 I spent six hours touring and learning about the San Patrignano drug rehabilitation community located in Rimini, Itlay.  I spent the week before in Lausanne, Switzerland providing training on conflict management for women from over 50 different countries who primarily work for their country’s Olympic Committees.  My friend Marina Canatacuzino, a journalist who created The Forgiveness Project, suggested I visit San Patrignano, which is relatively close to Switzerland. San Patrignano is…

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Restorative Justice

Restorative justice and forgiveness….

Forgiveness means different things to different people.  The great thing about restorative justice is you can decide for yourself what it means for you and how you might use is.   To some forgiveness means taking someone back into a relationship after they have wrongly hurt you, but to others it means simply accepting what has happened and letting go of the resentment and other negative feelings associated with it–there is no need for a…

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