
Bali International Triathlon

On June 29, 2008 I did the Bali International Triathlon for one of my best friends, Vi Jones-Medusky.  Vi is a great surfer, marathon runner (PR 3:28) and Ironman triathlete who encouraged me to do them too, “Come on Lorenn, it’s really fun!” she said.  Always smiling and cheerful, that’s Vi. Four years ago, while running the New York Marathon, she noticed something was wrong with her muscles. Several months later she was diagnosed with ALS,…

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Restorative Justice

Visit to a Java Prison

On June 24, 2008 I spent the day in Yogyakarta a.k.a. Jogjakarta, on Java, the main Indonesian island.  It took a lot of work by a great woman, Zunly Nadia, and after several months of paper work, I was allowed to visit a prison.  The prison which I am standing in front of below houses 446 people, 75% of which are there for drug offenses.  They were mostly men, but there were some women and one…

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Restorative Justice

What is restorative justice?

My favorite definition of restorative justice is from Suffolk University’s Center for Restorative Justice (, and was written by Carolyn Boyes-Watson: “Restorative justice is a broad term which encompasses a growing social movement to institutionalize peaceful approaches to harm, problem-solving and violations of legal and human rights. These range from international peacemaking tribunals such as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa to innovations within our criminal justice system, schools, social services and communities.…

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Lorenn visits Aoteroa, New Zealand!

May 28 – April 17, 2008: Lorenn visited Aoteroa (New Zealand). She met with many wonderful people involved with restorative justice including Gabrielle Maxwell, Matt Hakiaha, Judge David Carruthers, Anne Hayden, Judge Carolyn Henshaw, Marie Connolly, Judge Stan Thorburn and the amazing June Jackson who is head of Auckland’s Njawhare Waatea Marae. June and her friends have built a wonderful community at the Marae – it was truly inspirational. Lorenn also visited prisons in Auckland…

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