April 26, 2014, Chaminade University, Honolulu

Criminology & Criminal Justice Honor Society, Alpha Phi Sigma Induction, inductees & members, faculty Janet Davidson & Ronald Becker, university president Bro. Bernie Ploeger, S.M., Ph.D., with Lorenn who was the keynote speaker.

October, 2017 - Honolulu, Hawai'i

Lorenn and Dawn Slaten, Esq., meet with Yvette Brown (left), restorative practitioner and social worker from Bermuda at Ali'iolani Hale.

October 4, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii

9th Annual Parole Completion Celebration honoring the hard work of people completing parole and those who helped them.

September 16, 2017, Honolulu, Hawai’i

Lorenn presents on restorative justice and schools at the annual Peace Day Conference.

August 28-September 3, 2017 Porto Allege, Brazil

Lorenn trains 40 people who work with incarcerated youth and adults to facilitate reentry circles.

August 15-20, 2017 Colorado

Lorenn competes in the 2017 Transrockies Run. 120 miles, 20,000 feet of climbing, six days.

May 2-10, 2017 French Polynesia (Tahiti)

Lorenn visits restorative justice practitioners and healers in Tahiti

She also wins her division of the Xterra Tahiti Race.

November 8, 2016 Honolulu, Hawaii

8th Annual Parole Completion Celebration Hawai'i, Ali’iolani Hale, Supreme Court, November 9, 2016

June 29, 2016 Chicago, Illinois

June 29, 2016. Patricia Boone Northwestern University Law graduate, important connector and all time inspiring person with Lorenn, one of her biggest fans!

June 17-22, 2016 Athens and Skopleos Island, Greece

Lorenn participates in restoritive justice seminars in Greece.

June 8-11, 2016 Lueven and Namur, Belgium

June 10, 2016 Antonio Buonatesta, director Mediante Belgium, with Lorenn, at his Namur office about an hour train ride from Brussels. Antonio is doing excellent restorative justice work. He also kindly mailed back Lorenn’s race gear to Hawai’i that she needed to do the Belgium xterra the next day!

April 13, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii

Community Justice Circle at Hawai’i Supreme Court with professor Angela Davis, Hawai’i Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald and other members of the Hawai’i justice community.

January 30, 2014, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Francisco Javier García Bedoya Donostia prison director, Dr. Jose Luis De La Cuesta Basque Criminology director, Marian Moreno assistant director for prison treatment, Lorenn, and Miren Odriozola PhD Candidate in Criminal Law.

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