January 15, 2016, Root & Rebound, Oakland

Lorenn met with the amazing Katherine Katcher, Founder & Executive Director of Roots and Rebound in Oakland, California to learn more about the amazing work she and this organization are doing. Learn more at http://www.rootandrebound.org/about-us.

January 2016, Sacramento, California

Alan Seeber, Asst Probation Division Chief and Marlon Yarber, Asst. Chief Probation, Scramento, January 11, 2015 Scramento day reporting center for probationers.

December 2015 Kahuku, Hawai’i

Erika Hill Brigham Young University Hawai’i graduate and organizer of a restorative justice forum, with poster she prepared announcing a workshop Lorenn provided for the BYU community on December 15, 2015.

December 2015 Honolulu, Hawai’i

Lorenn’s mention in the Hawai’i State Bar Journal for winning the solo women’s division of the O’ahu 24 hour mountain bike race.

November 2015 Waipahu, Hawai’i Seed of Peace Workshop

November 2015 Waipahu, Hawai’i Seed of Peace Workshop.

November 6-7, 2015 Wilmington, North Carolina

Lorenn providing the keynote presentation at the Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association’s November 6, 2015 annual conference in Wilmington, North Carolina http://www.sfbta.org/conferences/2015.html

November 5, 2015, University of North Carolina, Wilmington

Penny Griffith and Lorenn provide a workshop on solution focused conflict management at the University of North Carolina 11.5.15.

October 2015, HFRJ Parole Celebration, Honolulu

2015 Hawaii Friends of Restorative Justice Parole Celebration.

June 20 – July 11, 2015, San Sebastian/Donostia, the Basque Country, Spain

As a Senior Fulbright Specialist Lorenn provided a 10 hour training for Basque Ministry of Justice affiliated agencies and individuals on a variety of restorative and solution-focused group processes for conflict management and dealing with wrongdoing.

May 24 – July 11, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia

Lorenn worked on peacemaking projects for a month as a Fulbright Specialist program for the Victimology Society of Serbia. The team (more like a family) included those pictured here director Vesna Nikolicristanovic, reserachers Sanja Copic, Bejan Saciri, Nikola Petrovic and visiting Australian Michelle Leveljan.

May 18 – 22, 2015, Howard Zehr Institute Consultation

It was an inspiring week with phenomenal restorative justice contributors Howard Zehr, Kay Pranis, Dan Van Ness, Mark Umbreit, Ali Gohar, Kim Workman, Robert Yazzie, Fania Davis, Theo Gavrielides, Carolyn Boyes-Watson, Brenda Morrison, Sujata Baliga and OTHERs including the wonderful 20 year old Cameron Simmons whose love, smile and laughter were especially treasured. Missed John Braithwaite who was there is spirit!

March 12, 2015, Washington DC

Lorenn works with Michael Davis, police chief at Northeastern University, to provide a community building workshop using restorative justice with some of the training participants — event was sponsored by Collaborative Solutions for Communities www.wearecsc.org

March 2015, Haleiwa Triathlon

Walker-Saraniti 3 generation family which placed 1st overall female relay team finishers at Hale’iwa sprint triathlon — Lorenn did the biking, Francesca (11 yrs old and granddaughter to Lorenn) did the running, and Samantha (Daughter to Lorenn & mom to Francesca) did the swimming.

December 2014, Boise, Idaho

Lorenn met with amazing juvenile detention center administrator Lynn Viner, Joe Langen & Bev Ashton - at the Juvenile Corrections Center in Nampa (outside Boise).

November 2014, HFRJ Parole Celebration, Honolulu

2014 HFRJ Parole Celebration. Photos by Robyn Pfahl.

November 2014, Harm Reduction Conference, Honolulu

One definition of harm reduction provided by Dr. Patt Denning, Director of Clinical Services and Training for the Harm Reduction Therapy Center of Oakland, California and the author of “Harm Reduction Psychotherapy.

September 2014, Honolulu

September 21, 2014, Iolani Palace, Honolulu Queen Liliuokalani International Day of Peace.

April 23, 2014, Waialua, Hawai'i

Visiting Simon Fraser University, Canada, restorative justice professor & practitioner Brenda Morrison and Lorenn.

March 1, 2014, Parte Vieja, Donostia, Spain

Lourdes Fernandez Manzano restorative lawyer & PhD student with Lorenn.

February 26, 2014, Navel Museum Donostia

Professor and Basque historian José Antonio Azpiazu Elorza.

February 20, 2014, Pau, France

University of Pau Professor Robert Cario & victimology class students with Jose Luis De La Cuesta, Lorenn.

February 13, 2014, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Restorative justice practitioner & PhD student Alberto Olalde, lawyer & PhD student Laura Pego Otero, Lorenn, and Dr. Gemma Maria Varona Martinez, Basque Criminology Institute.

February 7 – 11, 2014, Tokyo, Japan

Ways to Nakanaoli (the solution-focused way) training.

February 2, 2014, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Big surf Zurriola Beach and Urumea River, Donostia.

December 30, 2013, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Lorenn in front of the Basque Institute of Criminology, which hosted her visit December 30, 2013 through March 2014.

Nov. 2013, O'ahu, Hawai'i, London visit

Marina Cantacuzino, Churchill Fellow from London, England visits our restorative programs.

November 14 & 15, 2013, Honolulu, Hawai'i Reentry Circle Training

Rentry Circle Training. Reentry circle participants working in small groups.

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